Sunday 30 October 2011

What It Takes To Be A Leader

Each and everyday we constantly hear about the great leaders around us - soldiers politicians, sports figures, explorers, business people, etc.  However, have you ever sat there and realized how these people got to where they are today, and what type of skills they used or learned in order to gain that leadership role. We all tend to strive to do the best we can do when it counts, but what is that extra step in the process to put you head and shoulders over the person sitting in the next cubicle in your office? You can be a leader without being the boss.

I would suggest that a leader is someone who influence or controls the direction in which the organization or group he/she belongs to move in. This can be done by example, rather than just power; by the ability rather than position. I feel in teamwork we always designate a team leader to organize everything, but each member has their own unique leadership characteristics that shine. The leader in a group is teh person who can best see or understand what needs to be done to meet the group's needs. They are the person who can most clearly see the way forward, and what it means to the group, in other words the person that can take charge and push each member one step ahead. I would say the leader acts, rather than just talk. They don't just tell others what to do, they show them by example what needs to be done, and why it is important.

I often hear a lot about "vision" these days from school, and work, but it is seldom explained why this is important. You can relate this to yourself, or my example is being a Manager at my part time job. I had to take that leadership role and invision what I can do better. But what does this mean? Vision should paint a vidid picture of what the future is meant to look like so that every member of that group knows what they are moving towards, and therefore their own personal contribution towards getting there. A leader enables, rather than just controls and enabling is at least as important, if not more so, than the trendy "empowering".

A strong leader brings out the best in the team, but also the best in themselves. Always striving for that next step in becoming a stronger person. They help create an environment where each person can offer the best of themselves. Where the sum total of these individual gifts delivers just what is required, without waste. Not everyone is born to be a leader. Some of us grow up being very shy, and dont like to express what we feel will benefit others, and we tend to stick to ourselves. However, people change over time, pick up better skills, and for lack of better terms, grow up. Anyone can push themselves to be a leader with learning the right skills, they just need to work hard and access the proper skills for the job.

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