Saturday 29 October 2011

Take A Stand For Your Team

Whether you see yourself as "the leader" of your team or "a member" of your team, you are in a position like the others to influence others around you. I feel that each person in a team has the opportunity to make clear statements, influence others and strive for perfection. This doesn't necessarily have to the the "team leader".Take a stand for the improvement of your team! There are many different ways a member of a group can do so.

Simple reminders to your team members of the vision you see for your team and what you see as being possibile for your team. As I talked about a few blog posts ago, distinguishing roles is a very important piece to the puzzle. Keep reminding people of that great goal you set at the beginning of the project, because the more times it is drilled into people's head the more drive and passion they will have to reach it. Simple question such as "What do you need to grow to the next possible level, what will assist you on completing this task to the best of your ability?" As a member of the team looks for ways to develop and build the inner strength of your team.

When was the last time the team had a meeting that was dedicated to enhancing your teams relationships, not necessarily the specific roles and goals of the project but building connection among the different group members?

When was the last time your team went out for lunch together, or did another fun activity?

These are little things that each of the group members can be thinking about throughout the period you are working on the task. Dont overwhelm the leader. Yes, the leader has great responsibility, and has the final word, however if each group member or even a few take their leadership skills to the next level, and organize a small meeting, or get together colleagues for a lunch, or what ever it may be, creates a more positive working atmosphere. This doesn't mean jump in the hot seat, and try and take over. What I am saying is, each member should be think about what they can do to benefit others and not just themselves. Complete their task to 110% but also assisting the rest of the team is important.

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