Friday 28 October 2011

Role of Team Commitment in Team Building

The depth of the commitment of team members to work together effectively to accomplish the goals of the team, is a critical factor in team success. The relationships team members develop is very important keys in team building and the success of a team project. In order to find out the commitment levels of each team members, the team needs to distinguish a team leader to asses the commitment level of each team member. I feel that it is important for a leader to ask each member some of the following questions to get a feel for the commitment level, because the bottom line, with no commitment in a team, then things will not run smoothly and be completed to the best of everyones ability. 

Team Choice -  Do all of the members wants to participate as a team, and have indicated tasks. Do the members perceive that they had a choice about working on a particular team?

Team Mission -  Do the team members believe that the team overal mission is important, and reachable? Are members committed to accomplishing the team mission and what the expected outcomes may be. For a team mission to be successful the members want to feel as if they are part of something bigger than themselves. They need to understand what the mission is and how to reach the goals set. Team commitment comes from team members knowing the expected outcomes and where the outcomes fit in the whole organizations plan.

Team Members Need to Feel Valued - Do the team members perceive their service and part in the project to be valuable to the organization and to their own careers. Do the other team members accept them as a person and their skills, and feel that they can work together in order to complete the task at hand. 

Challenge, Excitement and Opportunity - Do the members feel challenged by the teams opportunity. This can reflect on their work ethic and can reflect the level of commitment to complete the job. If it seems challenging to the member, they will work harder at completing it, vs taking it for granted and not enjoying it, which end results in 50% effort. 

Recognition - Does the team have  a record for personal recognition. When tasks are completed and the effort put in. Members need to feel recognized for the work they put into the task. Successful milestones is very important to workers, and gives them the confidence to push forward and keep working on the task.  

Below is a video that shows the importance of team commitment, and how a team can be very successful with a strong leader and a very committed team to complete a task.

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