Wednesday 5 October 2011

How Steve Jobs Portrayed Excellent Teamwork: 1955-2011

Unfortunately Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an excellent role model. He was an inspiring mentor, a business leader and most importantly and inventor. Apple would not be the company it is today without Steve Jobs and his work skills, creative abilities, and utter brilliance. I personally think Steve Jobs was one of the most motivating people I have ever learned about. From his early years of co-creating the "Blue Boxes" (which were devices to make free long distance calls), or working at Atari and creating video game systems, or even to the beginning of Apple, Steve built teams and was ever so successful. Everything was running so smoothly for Jobs and his partner Wozinak, until Apple hit a huge major set back. Many workers were laid off, the company was going under, and Steve was loosing his team. The Apple III did terrible on sales and was out sold by PC products. Steve had to come up with a plan, a new idea, and lead it into the future.

While doing research, the first thing I found out was, Steve was brought back to his feet by building a team. We look at Apple now a days and see how large the company has become. You walk in to a store and see a unison of blue shirts all working together. In my eyes, so much different then any other store. Whether it is loading software onto your new Mac, or answering questions about the new iPad, the Apple store is always helpful. I recently bought my Mac from the Apple store, and that is why I can speak for such a great company, but it wasn't until today with the passing of Steve Jobs that I wondered where it actually all came from. His team.  

Following my blog posts, as I stated in my last discussion a very popular quote that I heard - "2 brains are better then just one" Steve was an intelligent man, but with the help of an Apple team, we see the products being sold today. Through many career paths, changes, and set backs, Steve ended up back in Apple in 1997. He was named interim CEO of apples, however apple posted huge losses. He would go on to re-organize the company and once again built a new team and turn it back into a money making company. As I have said many times, Apple would not be where it was without the best leader I personally think in the world. He lead his team through failure and success, debt and payoffs, and in the end turned the Apple company into a multi-billion dollar interim. This is a great example to show how simple team work skills and the leader abilities of some people, we see how successful one can be.

My hat goes off to Steve Jobs. He will be missed by many people, and the new generation of Apple workers will have to work extra hard to achieve the things he did. I found him a huge inspiration, a mentor and a role model to building a business and pursuing your goals and dreams. If you have some spare time on your hands, just google some videos on him, the speeches he made, you will understand my strong passion for such an inspiration. The video below explains my blog in a nutshell, and why Steve Jobs was such a success

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