Thursday 29 September 2011

Importance of Team Work and Why is it Beneficial?

Can you imagine yourself working on a major project alone in the office/workplace, and no one out there to support and assist you? Definitely a lot harder doing things alone then in groups. We all love to be part of a team and accomplish large tasks and projects, and the feeling we get as an end result of completing it. Teamwork takes place in the everyday working world, and is often needed in order to complete some projects employee's are assigned, because face it, bouncing ideas off yourself is not as beneficial as turning to your teammate and spitballing ideas back and fourth. 

5 brains, and 10 hands are better then just 1

Teamwork is defined as an activity or a set of inter-related activities done by more than one person in order to achieve the common objective, the end result. My blog is directed more towards teamwork in the business world and workplace, however it is not only followed only in the corporate world toady, rather it is one of the oldest things known to man. Just to give you an example, think back to grade 7 and 8 history class when you learned about the World Wars, did soldiers go out individually? Did they enter the enemies turf by themselves, or as a team?  Do NHL players win the Stanley Cup by themselves, or as a team? We all have learned about the importance of teamwork, because face it, it is used everywhere, everyday, and in every business.

In grade 12, I had a co-op placement in the Haldimand County Marketing Department. My task was completing the County souvenirs catalogue, taking pictures and building a new book. You may read this, and think, what's the importance to a successful teams blog page? Let me tell you, the very first thing my employer told me when I sat down with him to discuss the tasks I would be given was "TEAM". I looked at him very confused, and asked what does that mean? He said to me - "Together, Everyone, Achieves, More". I sat there for a second and smiled, and realized how right he was. Two brains are better then one. I have heard that term numerous times since, whether it be at my co-op placement, school, my part time job at Dairy Queen, or the gym, teamwork is everywhere. Throughout my blog, I tend to enlighten you on the key characteristics of a successful team, and how teamwork is probably the most beneficial skill to have in order for key success.     

- The importance of Teamwork and Cooperation, because it will only benefit you.